COVID-19 tests
Telephone Service: Working days from 8 am to 7 pm, Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm
(call to national landline)
At CUF we carry out COVID-19 tests - diagnosis (PCR), antigen, serology and now also the saliva diagnostic (PCR) test - quickly, efficiently and safely.

Did you know that COVID-19 can now be diagnosed from a saliva sample?
This technique, which was recently approved by the DGS, is simpler and less invasive. It can detect the virus and identify its strains using a saliva sample.
If you already have a medical prescription or if you do not need one because you are taking the test as a particular or because you are traveling to Madeira or Azores, book your COVID-19 here
What kinds of tests are carried out at CUF?
There are four types of tests available at CUF Hospitals and Clinics:
They allow you to know whether or not you are infected with the new Coronavirus by taking a sample of product (exudate) through your nose (up to the nasopharynx) using a swab
They make it possible to assess whether a person has specific antibodies for the new coronavirus in their blood. This second type of test is carried out by means of a small collection of blood which is then tested in the laboratory
They tell you if you are infected with the new Coronavirus. A sample of product (exudate) is taken from your nose (up to the nasopharynx) using a swab.
Rapid antigen tests should be used within the first 5 days (inclusive) of illness (active symptoms) in order to reduce the likelihood of false negative results.
If the result is negative: According to DGS indications, if there is a high clinical suspicion of COVID-19 and the result is negative, a confirmatory PCR test needs to be performed a maximum of 24 hours later, as the person may be positive and be contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
Diagnosis of COVID-19 is also possible from a saliva sample. This technique, which was recently approved by the DGS, is simpler and less invasive. It can detect the virus and identify its strains using a saliva sample.
The saliva diagnostic test (PCR) is just as accurate as the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab test, as it uses the same RT-PCR method. Only the sampling method is different.
How is it done?
An individual kit is provided for this test with a tube through which saliva is expelled into a container.
In the 30 minutes before saliva is collected, do not brush your teeth, eat, drink, smoke or chew gum.

The service is available in Greater Lisbon, subject to appointment.
It is more expensive for the nurse to visit:
- Lisbon: 35€
Diagnostic tests (PCR) require prior booking. To book, you should call your CUF hospital or clinic (see contact details below). Serological tests do not require an appointment.
You do not need to fast to have any of the COVID-19 tests done.
If you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19, it is advisable that your attending doctor assesses you before you have the test. However, there is no obligation to have a consultation for the test.
In any event, if you want to do the test with a co-payment system, on the day the test is done you must have the appropriate medical prescription for the test.
However, if you want take the test privately or if you are going to travel, you do not need to have the medical prescription. For the clients who are going to travel, it is only necessary the boarding pass or ticket of your flight, train or bus.
For a COVID-19 (PCR) test, it is mandatory to follow a medical prescription, whether it is a diagnostic test (PCR) or a serological test.
If you want take the test privately or if you are going to travel, whether it is a diagnostic test (PCR) or a serological test, you do not need to take the medical prescription. For the clients who are going to travel, it is only necessary the boarding pass or ticket of your flight, train or bus. For both scenarios, you only need to book the test.
The result of the diagnostic test (PCR) for COVID-19 and the serological test is available within a maximum period of 48 hours.
All test results will be available in My CUF (you must have a My CUF account with full access - for more information, go to My CUF).
In the case of a diagnostic test (PCR), and if the result is positive, the CUF healthcare professionals will contact you by telephone.
The above indications apply to all customers who want or need to have a COVID-19 test done, either they have symptoms or not.
In what situations should I test for COVID-19?
According to the guidelines of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), the PCR tests should be carried out on all persons suspected of having COVID-19 disease and then a clinical assessment will be carried out by health professionals qualified for that purpose.
In CUF hospitals and clinics, for the safety of all, a diagnostic test is requested in the following cases:
- Between 48 and 72 hours in advance of any patient undergoing invasive procedures with sedation or surgery
- Pregnant women before giving birth (if the delivery is booked, the test should be done 48 hours in advance; if it is a spontaneous birth, it will be done at the time of admission)
- Any patient prior to a CUF hospital admission, regardless of the reason for hospitalisation
- Parents who want to attend the birth of their child at CUF Porto Hospital.
Serological tests should be done on all those who suspect they have already had COVID-19 to assess their immunity.