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CUF Whistleblowing channel

CUF’s Whistleblowing channell was established pursuant to applicable laws and good corporate practices, and it reinforces CUF’s commitment to the principles laid down in the CUF Code of Conduct, including principles of transparency and ethics.

The purpose of this channel is to identify any actual or potential irregular situations or breaches, including reasonable suspicions thereof.


Please note that this channel should not be used for Customer's contacts regarding situations arising from, or related to, healthcare services. For this purpose there is a form available here.


Please note that, in order to benefit from the legal Whistleblowing regime (portuguese law n.º 93/2021, December 20th), your report must refer to the following:

  • Public hiring
  • Services, products and financial markets, money laundering and terrorism financing prevention
  • Product safety and compliance
  • Transport security
  • Environmental protection
  • Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
  • Safety of food for human and animal consumption, animal health and well being
  • Public health
  • Consumer protection
  • Privacy and personal data protection, network and information systems security

For additional and more detailed information please refer to Appendix I of Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council of 23 October 23th, 2019, regarding the protection of whistleblowers.

All other reporting subjects, accounted for in this channel, will only protect whistleblowers according to the corresponding legislation.

Principles and whistleblower protection

Independence, impartiality, confidentiality, data protection, secrecy and absence of conflicts of interest will be guaranteed in the processing and analysis of any reports received. 

The Whistleblower will be protected in all situations against any form of retaliation and will be granted the opportunity to submit an anonymous report pursuant to the law.

A whistleblower is

A natural person who publicly reports or discloses an irregularity or breach.

A report may be submitted by
  • Customers;

  • Employees

  • Ex-employees;

  • Service providers, contractors, processors and suppliers, as well as any persons acting under their supervision and direction;

  • Shareholders, members of administrative or management bodies or fiscal or supervisory bodies of CUF, including non-executive members;

  • Volunteers and trainees, paid or unpaid;

  • Other individuals.

Responsibility for handling the report

Reports will be received by the competent CUF department which shall register and classify them and shall initiate the processing, including referring the report to the departments in charge of analysing and overseeing.

CUF is legally responsible for processing, investigating and taking measures regarding any report received and said reports shall be processed on an external IT platform provided by an independent entity that has no corporate relationship with CUF.

Anonymous Reports

CUF shall protect anonymity in all cases in which the whistleblower wishes to make an anonymous report, without prejudice to the detail of the information contained in the report and the possibility that the whistleblower is identified by the described facts. It is hereby clarified that CUF will process all reports, whether anonymous or otherwise, whenever these contain sufficient and relevant matter and information for their investigation. Notwithstanding this processing, only whistleblowers who wish to provide an e-mail address for this purpose will be notified. Alternatively, where the whistleblower chooses not to provide contact details, he/she will be able to consult the status of the case using the ID assigned by CUF to their report.

Scope of the report

Reports may be filed in the following circumstances:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Consumer Protection
  • Public Health
  • Product Safety and Compliance
  • Safety of Food for Human Consumption
  • Environmental Protection
  • Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
  • Privacy and personal data protection
  • Network and information systems security
  • Misconduct
  • Misuse of resources
  • Discrimination or Prejudice
  • (Moral or sexual) Harassment
  • Corruption
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
  • Other


We stress that all cases unrelated to the issues described above should be addressed to other communication channels, specifically using our Contact form.

Personal Data Protection

By filling out the report form, you declare that you consent to the processing of your personal data; you should therefore consult CUF’s Privacy Policy.

You can get acquainted with the personal data processing rules applicable to the CUF Reporting Channel.

CUF will responsibly, independently and appropriately receive, investigate and process your report.


You may submit your report by using the form available here.

To check the status of your previously submitted report, click here.