Urgent Care
For unexpected health issues, CUF provides an urgent care service, all over the country adults and pediatrics.
To check the opening hours, please click on the name of the Hospital or Clinic.
With specialists in General and Family Medicine and Internal Medicine, in case of General Care, and specialists in Pediatrics, in Pediatric Care, this service aims to provide a timely response to a wide range of urgencies.
The Urgent Care service also has some specialties on call basis so that, after an initial assessment, the doctors can resort whenever the clinical situation is justified.
Information on Waiting Time
The calculated waiting time for emergency services is updated every five minutes.
Emergencies are not all the same
At CUF, emergencies are classified according to the Manchester Triage System, in order to give priority to cases that require immediate intervention.
CUF Almada Clinic, CUF Cascais Hospital, CUF Descobertas Hospital, CUF Porto Hospital, CUF Santarém Hospital, CUF Sintra Hospital, CUF Tejo Hospital, CUF Torres Vedras Hospital and CUF Viseu Hospital use the Manchester Triage System, which uses colours to classify the clinical risk of each situation.
Manchester triage is based on internationally certified clinical criteria that use colours to classify the clinical risk of each situation. Colours are assigned after symptom-based triage. The symptoms are used to determine the severity of the patient’s condition and the recommended waiting time.
The system considers the severity of the patient’s condition (not order of arrival) to determine the order in which patients are seen. It helps to rationalise waiting times and guarantees immediate care for emergent and urgent situations.
These times may be influenced by a number of factors, and we hope you will understand this.
If you sense a change in your clinical condition, do not hesitate to go to triage again, where you will be reassessed.