4 prizes at the European Private Hospital Awards
CUF won four of the seven categories in the European Private Hospital Awards 2024 (EPHA), which took place last Wednesday in Bucharest, Romania. In total, 53 private health providers from 9 countries competed, submitting 65 entries.
The European Private Hospital Awards, promoted by the European Union of Private Hospitals and judged by an independent international jury, annually bestow awards for the best initiatives in the private hospital sector of the top performing European healthcare providers.
CUF won with the following projects:
- ‘Empowering Patient Care Experience’ category: Acute Pain Unit of CUF Descobertas Hospital, which supports postoperative, inpatients and postpartum patients who experience uncontrolled pain;
- ‘Best Integration of AI in Healthcare’ category: CLARA - Virtual post-surgical follow-up assistant, project developed with the use of Artificial Intelligence that enables patients to be followed up after discharge. The solution automatically calls the patient, and poses questions following the protocols, storing the information for later analysis by the clinical teams. Developed in partnership with the startup TUCUVI;
- ‘Health Tech Innovation of the Year’ category: CELLA Medical Solutions, a solution that creates 3D replicas of organs matching the exact pathology of the patient for the preparation of complex surgeries, which provides essential support for the clinical teams;
- ‘Outstanding Collaborative Initiatives in Healthcare’ category: LEAD - Logistics Efficiency with Analytics Development, optimisation solution of logistics management processes, which permits greater financial efficiency, more sustainable activity, more reliable stock forecasting and improved service. Developed in partnership with LPTLabs.
CUF and the teams involved in these projects are to be congratulated!