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quem somos CUF

Who we are

CUF Mission and Values


Aware of the role it plays in the country, as a 100% Portuguese company and as a reference in the provision of health care, since it was founded, CUF has made a serious, responsible commitment to its patients, partners, suppliers, the state and society as a whole.

Promoting the provision of health services with the highest levels of quality and knowledge, respecting the primacy of life and the environment through the development of organisations' intellectual capital, in a permanent search for the best is CUF's mission.

To fulfil its mission, CUF’s operations are based on three platforms of excellence: excellence in human talent, excellence in service and excellence in operations and systems.

CUF's culture and values are the standard of behaviour that we respect and express in the daily management of our activities.


CUF employees have added responsibilities in consolidating this identity, through the affirmation and transmission of these values.


Valor CUF - Inovação

Quality, Innovation and Research


CUF recognises quality as a distinctive aspect in the provision of health care and has a clinical management model based on the monitoring and evaluation of a wide range indicators in its units.


As a healthcare provider, CUF maintains its commitment to sustainable growth based on one of the organisation's strategic pillars: its distinctive clinical project.

The main goals of this strategic position, which applies at all hospital units, are the creation of value for the patient and are reflected in the uniqueness of our offer in the organisation of health care, the excellence of our clinical staff and the clinical quality of our care, which is proven by our quality management systems and national and international certification and accreditation programmes.

Get to know CUF’s quality policy, quality certifications and quality reports here.



At CUF to innovate is to explore solutions that generate differentiation and value, using a creative vision and action that allows the organisation to plan its future and ensure its sustainability.


Research, development and innovation are essential assets to sustain a competitive offer, exploring new solutions that generate differentiation and value for CUF patients and professionals.

We offer a health care delivery model based on a continuous search for solutions to respond to patients' needs, according to best practices, technological excellence and the latest proven scientific breakthroughs. Whether it is prevention, diagnosis or clinical treatment of the disease, we work in a sustained manner to obtain clinical results, which are periodically monitored and reassessed in relation to the defined targets and goals.


At CUF, the focus on teaching, training and clinical research is a priority.


CUF considers investment in education and cooperation with university institutions to be strategic for the development of health care activities.

For this reason, it has sought to establish cooperation agreements with the main Portuguese universities that are embodied in value-added exchanges for all stakeholders.

Facing the relationship with academia and the scientific community as an indispensable way of generating and sharing knowledge, CUF also has several partnerships with entities working in the area of research and development.

CUF's training activity is centralised at CUF Academic Center, created to value and reinforce the knowledge and skills of health professionals. Based on principles of rigour and ethics and the highest standards of quality and knowledge, the CUF Academic Centre is a centre of reference in the health sector and operates with national and international players.