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Any surgical procedure can cause considerable concern and anxiety. We will try to help you experience these concerns as calmly as possible. Below you will find information, advice and answers to questions about your surgery.


Operating Room

CUF hospitals and clinics have operating rooms for performing surgeries. An operating room is a special environment that is prepared and equipped to meet specific requirements for surgical and anaesthetic practice, within the strictest conditions of hygiene and safety. The treatment of materials and equipment follows strict hygiene and infection control standards, in accordance with the quality standards by which we are certified. For the same reason, access and movements of people are also restricted.

The operating room consists of innovative technology, in accordance with the CUF Quality and Innovation Programme.


Before surgery

  • 24 to 48 hours before your surgery, you will be contacted to confirm the day and time of the surgery, with instructions on what to do the day before and the day itself.
  • A fasting period at least 6 to 8 hours is always necessary, i.e. total abstention from food and liquids in the hours before surgery.
  • If you regularly take any type of medication, you should ask your surgeon or anaesthetist which ones you can or should continue to take on the day of surgery. If you have any type of impediment or if you have a cough, cold or fever in the days before surgery, notify the operating theatre or your surgeon immediately.
  • Bring your personal items (pyjamas / nightgown, slippers and toiletries).


Arrival at the hospital

  • Go to Central Reception and take your admission slip.
  • At the administrative counter, you will be asked for your identification documents in order to start the admission process.
  • After admission you will be accompanied to your room by an orderly.
  • In the room, a nurse will welcome you and ask you some important questions about your pre-surgical situation. The nurse will give you other instructions such as: putting on compression stockings (provided by the hospital at the time) to prevent blood clots and putting on a gown and cap before going into the operating theatre.
  • Approximately 30 minutes before the time of surgery, you will be taken to the operating theatre by a medical assistant. You may be accompanied to the door of the operating room by a family member.
  • As soon as the procedure is over, you will be transferred to the recovery room.
  • Your family member will be asked to wait in the room, until the surgeon or nurse comes to tell him or her how the surgery went and s/he can visit you.
  • At the end of the surgical programme, the surgeon will visit the patient and family in the room to report on the procedure.


Basic Care

  • Take a shower and do not apply creams, lotions or perfumes.
  • Do not wear make-up or nail varnish on the day of surgery.
  • Do not wear rings, bracelets, necklaces or earrings to the operating theatre. Leave your valuables at home or with your companion.
  • Do not forget to bring with you any tests that you have and the medicines you take regularly.


CUF Açores Hospital

Location: Floor 0
Rooms:  4
Recovery Unit: 2

CUF Almada Clinic*

Location: Floor 2
Rooms:  2
Recovery Unit: 1

* clinic for outpatient surgery only

CUF Arrifana de Sousa Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  2
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Cascais Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  2
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Coimbra Hospital

Location: Floor 3
Rooms:  4
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Descobertas Hospital

Location: Building 1, Floor 2
Rooms:  7
Recovery Unit: 2

CUF Porto Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  8
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Santarém Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  3
Recovery Unit: 2

CUF Sintra Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  3
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Tejo Hospital

Location: Floor 1
Rooms:  10
Recovery Unit: 2

CUF Torres Vedras Hospital

Location: Floor 2
Rooms:  2
Recovery Unit: 1

CUF Viseu Hospital

Location: Floor 2
Rooms:  3
Recovery Unit: 1

Outpatient Surgery

The outpatient surgery units provide health care to patients who need a surgical procedure or diagnostic test that does not require hospitalisation for more than 24 hours or overnight. This type of care is popular with both patients and health professionals due to its safety, comfort, high-quality, and low costs compared to many other procedures, some of which might require hospitalisation.


Necessary Conditions

  • Agreeing to be treated on an outpatient basis.
  • Having a responsible adult who will accompany you when discharged and in the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Individual means of transport home.
  • Telephone available in the place where you will stay that night and the next day.
  • Staying overnight in a place within good distance to the hospital means that you can return in less than an hour.
  • A comfortable residence with minimum comforts.


Before the procedure

  • You should be familiar with the procedure you are about to undergo.
  • Inform your hospital doctor of all medications you are taking, diseases you have had and any known allergies.
  • In the evening before the procedure, have a light meal (dinner) and then fast from the time recommended.
  • If, for any reason, you are unable to attend on the date scheduled for the procedure, telephone to let the hospital know.


Arrival at the hospital

  • Go to Central Reception and take your admission slip.
  • You must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • You must have your citizen and health / insurance card with you.
  • Inform the health professionals if you are pregnant, or think you could be; if you have taken any food or drink by mistake after the time you were supposed to start fasting; if there has been any change in your state of health, such as fever, cough or sore throat, to name a few, between the last visit and the day of the procedure.


Basic Care

  • Take a shower and do not apply creams, lotions or perfumes.
  • Do not wear make-up or nail varnish on the day of surgery.
  • Do not wear rings, bracelets, necklaces or earrings to the operating theatre.
  • Do not forget to bring with you any tests that you have and the medicines you take regularly.
  • Choose light, comfortable clothes (if the surgery is on the limbs, choose loose clothes that leave room for devices, such as plaster, splints or bandages).


Returning home

  • You must go home in your own transport. Do not use public transport.
  • You will be provided with a form with the information you need to know about the care to be taken in relation to your procedure, in addition to telephone contacts in case you feel that something is wrong.
  • Upon leaving, confirm your telephone contact number for the first 24 hours, as you will be contacted by the unit’s professionals to make sure that you are well and that everything is going as expected.


Minor Surgery

At CUF hospitals and clinics, we have rooms for minor surgeries of different surgical or medical specialities.

CUF Açores Hospital

Location: Floor 0

Rooms:  1

Clínica CUF Alvalade

Location: Floor 1

Rooms:  1


Clínica CUF Belém

Location: Floor 1

Rooms:  1

Clínica CUF Mafra

Location: Floor 1

Rooms:  1

Clínica CUF Miraflores

Location: Floor 1

Rooms:  1

Clínica CUF S. Domingos de Rana

Location: Floor 2

Rooms:  1

Clínica CUF S. João da Madeira

Location: Floor 0

Rooms:  1

Instituto CUF Porto

Location: Floor 3

Rooms:  2