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Portugal Health Passport

The Portugal Health Passport has been renewed and is now available to everyone visiting Portugal. The platform, developed by Health Cluster Portugal in close cooperation with Turismo de Portugal, combines a wide range of private health services for tourists.


Tourists planning to come to Portugal will be able to request their health passport on the website. The passport allows them to take a Covid-19 test and have access to high quality emergency health care at set prices, or five different types of check-ups at CUF network hospitals and clinics.

According to the executive director of Health Cluster Portugal, Joaquim Cunha, “Clinical practice in Portugal is an international peer reference. Now is the time for this to be perceived by the public. Our response at the peak of the pandemic has earned us international renown, which inspires confidence in those who visit us”.

The Portugal Health Passport is therefore considered an important tool in asserting the country as a safe tourist destination, guaranteeing health services of high clinical quality for the those visiting us.

International CUF