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CUF is committed to developing a long-term business strategy that fulfils its mission, vision and values while also promoting responsible action and defence of the sustainability of the businesses in which it has invested.


CUF's share capital is held by:

  • José de Mello Capital, S.A - 65,85%
  • Fundação Amélia de Mello - 4,15%
  • Farminveste, S.A. - 30%
Board of the General Meeting

João Vieira de Almeida

Luís Miguel Reis Sobral

Board of Directors

Salvador Maria Guimarães José de Mello

João Pedro Stilwell Rocha e Melo
João Gonçalves da Silveira

Board members
Rui Alexandre Pires Diniz
Inácio António da Ponte Metello de Almeida e Brito
Guilherme Barata Pereira Dias de Magalhães
Catarina Marques da Rocha Gouveia
Francisco Pedro Ramos Gonçalves Pereira
Paula Alexandra Pais de Brito Silva
Céline Dora Judith Abecassis-Moedas
Vera Margarida Alves Pires Coelho
Raúl Catarino Galamba de Oliveira
Diogo Miguel Parreira de Gouveia
Paulo José Marques Fernandes
Paulo Jorge Barradas de Oliveira Rebelo

Supervisory Board

Manuel Ravara Caldeira Castel-Branco Cary

Board members
Miguel Reccanello Carneiro Pacheco
José Luís Bonifácio Lopes
Diogo Salema da Costa

Remunerations Committee

Luís Miguel Cortes Martins

Board members
Pedro Norton de Matos
Maria Luísa Amaral Cabral 
Pedro Maria Guimarães José de Mello
Paula Inês Moreira Dinis

Executive Committee

Rui Alexandre Pires Diniz

Board members
Inácio António da Ponte Metello de Almeida e Brito
Guilherme Barata Pereira Dias de Magalhães
Catarina Marques da Rocha Gouveia
Francisco Pedro Ramos Gonçalves Pereira
Paula Alexandra Pais de Brito Silva

Company Secretary

Rui Manuel da Costa Ramalhal

Statutory Auditor

Deloitte & Associados, SROC S.A. represented by Pedro Miguel Argente de Freitas e Matos Gomes

Medical Council


Eduardo Mendes – Hospital CUF Viseu


Board members

Paula Borralho - CUF Oncologia
João Paulo Farias - Cluster CUF Descobertas
José Fragata - Consultor Clínico da CUF
Micaela Seemann Monteiro - Chief Medical Officer for Digital Transformation da CUF Digital
Piedade Sande Lemos - CUF Academic Center
Rodrigo Costa e Silva - Cluster CUF Tejo
Rui Vaz - Cluster CUF Norte
Nuno Cardoso - Direção de Qualidade e Segurança

Nursing Council

Sara Martins – Hospital CUF Porto and Instituto CUF Porto

Board members
Carlos Costa - Hospital CUF Sintra
Célia Leitão – Hospital CUF Cascais
Duarte Mendonça – Hospital CUF Descobertas
Helena Conduto – Hospital CUF Santarém
Helena Valentim Abrantes – Hospital Vila Franca de Xira
Isabel Aragoa - Hospital CUF Coimbra
José Coelho – Hospital CUF Tejo
Natacha Pedro – Hospital CUF Viseu
Sofia Pereira – Hospital CUF Torres Vedras
Maria José Barros - Quality & Safety



The Integrated CUF Report contains financial and non-financial information on the organisation and is prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the IIRC - International Integrated Reporting Council.

Referring to the period from 1 January to 31 December, the report sets out information on the strategy, management and performance of CUF's main business areas.

The CUF Integrated Report is published annually and is complemented with information provided in the Financial Statements Report, Clinical Quality Report and Sustainability Report.


Access CUF Reports here.


  • CUF, S.A. - Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting (read notice), may 9th 2023
  • CUF, S.A. issues supplement to the 2021 Integrated Report under Art. 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation  (read notice), August 1st 2022
  • CUF, S.A. - Appointment of the Executive Commission and Company’s Secretary (read notice), may 9th 2022
  • CUF, S.A. - Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting (read notice), may 9th 2022
  • CUF, S.A. - Results of the Private Bond Purchase and Exchange Offers and New Bond Issue (read notice), october 25th 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Launch of Private Bond Purchase and Exchange Offers and Bond Issue (read notice), october 4th 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Resignation of members of the Company's Board of Directors (read notice), august 31st 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting (read notice), june 29th 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Investor Relations Manager (read notice), march 18th 2021
  • Preliminary Net Debt as of December 31, 2020 (read notice), march 9th 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Changes in Company’s Corporate Bodies (read notice), march 3rd 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Shareholders agreement between José de Mello Capital and Farminveste, (read notice), february 3rd 2021
  • CUF, S.A. - Changes in Board of Directors and Executive Committee (read notice), january 11th 2021
  • Noteholders’ Meeting - Notes “José de Mello Saúde 2019/2025” (read notice), september 14th 2020
  • Noteholders’ Meeting - Notes “José de Mello Saúde 2019/2027” (read notice), september 11th 2020
  • Noteholders’ Meeting - Notes “José de Mello Saúde 2017/2023” (read notice), september 11th 2020
  • Noteholders’ Meeting - Notes “José de Mello Saúde 2015/2021” (read notice), september 11th 2020
  • CUF, S.A. - Results for 1st Half of 2020 (read notice), august 11th 2020
  • Proposal Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2019/2027" Notes (read proposal), august 10th, 2020
  • Proposal Noteholders Meeting,  "José de Mello Saúde 2015/2021" Notes (read proposal), august 10th, 2020
  • Proposal Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2017/2023" Notes (read proposal), august 10th, 2020
  • Proposal Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2019/2025" Notes (read proposal), august 10th, 2020
  • Notice of Meeting - Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2019/2027" Notes (read notice), august 10th, 2020
  • Notice of Meeting - Noteholders Meeting,  "José de Mello Saúde 2015/2021" Notes (read notice), august 10th, 2020
  • Notice of Meeting - Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2017/2023" Notes (read notice), august 10th, 2020
  • Notice of Meeting - Noteholders Meeting, "José de Mello Saúde 2019/2025" Notes (read notice), august 10th, 2020
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. informs on resolutions of the General Meeting held on 26 June 2020 (read notice), june 26th, 2020
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. - Financial Results as of 31 december 2019  (read notice), april 19th, 2020
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. - Financial Results as of 30 June 2019  (read notice), september 17th 2019
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. - Election of Company's Corporate Bodies and appointment of the members of the Executive Comittee and the Company Secretary (read notice), may 27th 2019
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. - Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting  (read notice), may 27th 2019
  • José de Mello Saúde, S.A. - Financial Results  as of 31 december 2018  (read notice), april 24h 2019


Access all financial announcements here.

Investor Relations



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Fax: 00351 210 025 108

Adress: Av. do Forte nº 3, Edif. Suécia III, piso 2 | 2790-073 Carnaxide